Which level of Ukrainian is right for you? Test yourself by using the information and questions below to decide which level of Ukrainian is right for you. Ukrainian Beginners Step 2 If you cannot understand the following questions and are unable to answer with the information requested, Beginners Step 1 is the right course for you. If you understand and can talk about the following topics, your level is at least Beginners Step 2. Please scroll down to see if your level may be higher. Can you Read and write Ukrainian letters Introduce yourself to someone and give some basic information about yourself (name, origin, which languages you speak) Ask someone for the same kind of information Use and understand the numbers 1-100 in context Ask for/give directions in the street Say what you have or own Hold a short conversation about daily routines Can you answer these questions? Please, speak your answers aloud. Як вас звати? Скажіть, будь ласка, де банк? Ви розмовляєте українською? У вас є машина? Ви працюєте чи навчаєтеся? Де? Що ви робите в вільний час? Ukrainian Beginners Step 3 If you understand and can talk about the following topics, your level is at least Beginners Step 3. Please, scroll down to see if your level may be higher. Can you Tell someone what you did yesterday / past week or weekend Talk with someone about your plans for the week / weekend Talk about your eating habits Order food and drinks Talk about your hometown Can you answer the following questions? Please, speak your answers aloud. Що ви робили вчора ввечері? Що ви будете робити у вихідні? Що ви їсте на сніданок? Які овочі ви любите? Як називається ваше рідне місто? Де розташоване ваше рідне місто? Які цікаві місця є у вашому місті? Ukrainian Elementary Step 1 If you understand and can talk about the following topics, your level is at least Elementary Step 1. Please, scroll down to see if your level may be higher. Can you Hold a short conversation about yourself, your family, work and hobbies Talk about your likes and dislikes Discuss the weather Talk about your hobbies Discuss your favourite film or a book Can you answer the following questions? Please, speak your answers aloud. Вам подобається вивчати мови? Яка сьогодні погода? У вас є хобі? Що вам подобається робити? Який останній фільм ви дивилися? Про що був цей фільм? Які книги ви любите читати? Про що була остання книга, яку ви читали? Ukrainian Elementary Step 2 If you understand and can talk about the following topics, your level is at least Elementary Step 2. Please, scroll down to see if your level may be higher. Can you Describe your room/ house Express your request Say what you can do well Talk about what you usually wear/ what people around you are wearing (items of clothing, colours), where you buy clothes Talk about your family (their names, their age, what they do, what they like etc.) Talk about your trip Can you answer the following questions? Please, speak your answers aloud. Які кімнати є у вас у квартирі? Попросіть колегу зателефонувати вам пізніше. Ви вмієте малювати? Який одяг ви носите влітку? Де ви зазвичай купуєте ваш одяг? Як звати ваших батьків? Де вони живуть? Скільки їм років? Куди ви їздили останній раз? Ukrainian Elementary Step 3 If you understand and can talk about the following topics, your level is at least Elementary Step 3. Please, scroll down to see if your level may be higher. Can you Explain the location of objects Talk about sports Describe your city Tell about places of interest Talk about your feelings Tell the date and talk about birthdays Discuss what gift to present Can you answer the following questions? Please, speak your answers aloud. Де розташований ваш університет/ ваш офіс? Що знаходиться навпроти вашого університету / вашого офісу? Ви вмієте плавати? Які памʼятки є у вашому місті? Як ви себе почуваєте? Ви втомилися? Вам холодно? Коли ваш день народження? Що вам подарували на ваш останній день народження? Ukrainian Elementary Step 4 If you understand and can talk about the following topics, your level is at least Elementary Step 4. Please, scroll down to see if your level may be higher. Can you Describe people (appearance and character) Tell the time Talk about your biography Talk about shopping and purchases Hold a basic conversation with a doctor about your health Explain how to get to the destination Can you answer the following questions? Please, speak your answers aloud. Який характер у вашого друга? У якому році ви народилися? Коли ви останній раз робили дорогу покупку? Що ви купили? Ви часто хворієте? На якій зупинці треба вийти, щоб потрапити до центру? Ukrainian Elementary Step 5 If you understand and can talk about the following topics, your level is at least Elementary Step 5. Please, scroll down to see if your level may be higher. Can you Retell a short anecdote Talk about holidays and travels Talk about Ukrainian famous places Book a trip and get all important information Describe your job and your free time Can you answer the following questions? Please, speak your answers aloud. Куди би ви хотіли поїхати і чому? Які цікаві місця можна відвідати в Україні? Це прямий рейс чи з пересадкою? Ким ви працюєте? Ukrainian Elementary Step 6 If you understand and can talk about the following topics, your level is at least Elementary Step 6. Please, scroll down to see if your level may be higher. Can you Read, understand and talk about a simple story Describe different routes Talk about relationships in families/ friendships Talk about mass media and press Can you answer the following questions? Please, speak your answers aloud. О котрій годині ви виходите з дому на роботу / навчання? Ви завжди переходите дорогу на зелене світло? Яким має бути справжній друг? Які новини ви читали сьогодні в газетах? This article was published on 2024-10-14