Japanese Language Proficiency Test

The next exam is December, 2025. We will update our website once the information is ready.

The JLPT is an internationally recognised qualification for Learners of the Japanese language.

In the UK, the Japan Foundation test is available at the University of Edinburgh, and also in SOAS London, and the University of Leicester.

If you would like to take a look at this year's application form, please see 'Download the JLPT Test Guide December 2024' (please note this is for reference: online application only).

Results from 2024 exam update:

The examinees who took JLPT 2024 at our centre can view their test results online on the organiser's website (https://www.jlpt-overseas.jp/onlineresults/) from 10am on Friday 31 January to 5pm, Friday 31 March, Japan time. Please note that this website is only available during the above period. You will need your registration number and 8-digit passcode in order for you to check the results. 

The physical certificates should be sent out to your home address sometime early March. If you have changed your home address since the registration last August, please kindly send us an email on jlpt@ed.ac.uk

Thank you for your patience in the meantime. 

Contact Information:

Visit the Japan Foundation website, if you have any further questions https://jlpt.jp/e/faq/

Please contact our JLPT Coordinator at COL if you have any questions: jlpt@ed.ac.uk