Which level of Gaelic is right for you? Test yourself by using the information and questions below to decide which level of Gaelic is right for you. Gaelic Beginners Step 2 If you feel that you can talk reasonably well about most of the following topics, you are at a suitable level to enrol for Gaelic Beginners 2. Can you Introduce yourself to someone and give some basic information about yourself / where you live/ where you are from? Ask someone about their home town? Describing your city? Talk about clothes/ colours and what you are wearing? Understand basic Literacy? Would you be able to communicate with a Gaelic speaker who asked you these questions? Dè an t-ainm a th’ort? Ciamar a tha e ? Càit a bheil thu a’ fuireach? Cò às a tha thu? Cò ris a tha Dùn Èideann coltach ? Dè an dath a th’ air a’ chòta ? Gaelic Beginners Step 3 If you feel that you could cope reasonably well with most of the following topics, you are at a suitable level to enrol for Gaelic Beginners 3. Can you Differentiate between ‘S e and Tha? Say when and where you were born? Describe what you are doing now? Talk about where you are going? Ask someone where they are going? Would you be able to communicate with a Gaelic native speaker who asked you these questions? An e baga a th’ ann ? Càit an d’rugadh tu ? Cuin an d’rugadh tu ? Dè tha dol ? Càit a bheil am partaidh a-nochd ? Gaelic Elementary Step 1 If you feel that you could cope reasonably well with the following topics, you are at a suitable level to enrol for Gaelic Elementary 1. Can you Hold a short conversation about your hobbies? Ask others about their hobbies and why they enjoy them? Ask the time? Talk about what you did yesterday? Hold a short conversation about your family and ask others about their family? Talk about your job? Would you be able to communicate with a Gaelic native speaker who asked you these questions? An toigh leat snàmh agus carson ? Carson a tha seinn a’ còrdadh riut ? Cò tha nad theaghlach ? Cò ris a tha do bhràthair coltach ? An e tidsear a th’ annad ? Dè an uair a tha e ? Gaelic Elementary Step 2 If you feel that you could cope reasonably well with the following topics, you are at a suitable level to enrol for Gaelic Elementary 2. Can you Hold a short conversation about what you did over Christmas? Talk about your hobbies and why you enjoy them? Ask the time? Talk about food and your likes and dislikes? Identify animals and your pets? Would you be able to communicate with a Gaelic native speaker who asked you these questions? Cò ris a bha Nollaig coltach ? Dè an t-aodach a th’ air an duine sin ? Dè do bheachd air ? Cia mheud peata a th’ agad ? Dè an t-ainm a th’ air a’ chù aice ? A bheil thu ag iarraidh cofaidh le bainne ? An toigh leat cearc le buntàta agus sailead ? Carson ? Gaelic Elementary Step 3 If you feel that you could cope reasonably well with the following topics, you are at a suitable level to enrol for Gaelic Elementary 3. Can you Discuss food, and what you like and why? Count money and hold short conversation about the cost of common items? Talk about your body, and illnesses? Describe where you are going to go on holiday, and what you like about that place? Would you be able to communicate with a Gaelic native speaker who asked you these questions? Am bu toigh leat fìon dearg ? Ciamar a tha e a’ faireachdainn ? A bheil an t-acras air a’ chlann ? De phrìs a th’ air a’ chòta ? Càit an tèid thu airson do làithean-saora ? Gaelic Elementary Step 4 If you feel that you could cope reasonably well with most of the following topics, you are at a suitable level to enrol for Gàidhlig Elementary 4. Can you Express preferences? You describe comparatives/ superlatives (bigger/ biggest) Talk about your daily routine? Talk about your job? Have a short conversation about what you did yesterday? Talk about where you went on holiday last summer? Would you be able to communicate with a Gaelig native speaker who asked you these questions? An robh thu ag obair an-dè ? Ciamar a bha e ? Dè bhios tu a’ dèanamh oidhche Shathairne ? Càit an deach thu airson na làithean-saora agad? Cò ris a bha e coltach ? Cò as àirde? Beinn Neibhis neo Beinn Everest? Gaelic Elementary Step 5 If you feel that you could cope reasonably well with most of the following topics, you are at a suitable level to enrol for Gaelic Elementary 5. Can you Describe people and objects? Describe your routine and work, and where this is? Talk about how you are feeling and whether you are ill? Talk about spare-time activities you like or do not like doing? Have a short conversation in the past tense (i.e. have a conversation about your holidays) Would you be able to communicate with a Gaelic native speaker who asked you these questions? Ciamar a bha Nollaig agus dè chòrd riut ? Càit an robh partaidh na Bliadhna Ùire agad ? Dè rinn thu air Didòmhnaich ? Dè an obair agad, agus an toigh leat e ? Dè bhios tu a’ dèanamh tron seachdain mar as trice ? Gaelic Elementary Step 6 If you feel that you could cope reasonably well with most of the following topics, you are at a suitable level to enrol for Gaelic Elementary 6. Can you Talk in the past tense, with familiarity with all irregular past tense verbs? Ask someone else about their week, and what they did over Easter? Talk about your holidays, and what you liked and did not like? Would you be able to communicate with a Gaelic native speaker who asked you these questions? Ciamar a bha an obair agad an t-seachdainsa ? An do dh’ith thu feòil airson do dhinnear an-dè ? An deach thu a dh’Èirinn an uiridh ? Ciamar a chòrd e riut agus carson? Dè bha dol oidhche Haoine ? Dè rinn thu ? Càit an deach sibh ? An cuala tu an t-òran ùr aig Billie Eilish ? An do chòrd e riut ? Gaelic Intermediate Step 1 If you feel that you could cope reasonably well with the following topics, you are at a suitable level to enrol for Gaelic Intermediate 1. Can you Talk in the past tense (i.e. what you did last week)? Talk about your routine, and express opinions on it? Talk in the future tense (i.e. where you will go on holiday and what you will do there)? Ask someone about their holidays (past or future)? Ask someone about their opinions on what is going on just now in the world.? Would you be able to communicate with a Gaelic native speaker who asked you these questions? Dè nì thu aig a’ cheann-seachdain ? Càit am faigh mi am bus gu Glaschu ? Dè an rud as fhèarr mu dheidhinn Fèis Dhùn Èideann ? Carson ? An deach thu dhan Spàinn as t-samhradh ? Dè dh’ ith thu nuair a bha thu an sin agus co ris a bha am biadh coltach ? Cò am prìomh-ministear agus dè do bheachd air/ oirre ? This article was published on 2024-10-14