Information on the short language course level structure at COL. Beginners Step 1-3/Japanese Beginners Step 1-6(3 terms, 45 contact hours - CEFR A1) (Japanese; 6 terms, 90 contact hours - CEFR A1)This level is about you and your immediate environment.At the end of A1 level, you’ll be able to:introduce yourself and talk about your family, hobbies and where you liveask simple questions and carry out tasks like ordering a drink or asking for directions.Please note: Beginners Japanese has levels 1-6, taught over 6 terms.Pre-requisitesBeginners 1: None, for complete beginnersBeginners 2 & 3: Completion of Beginners 1 and 2 respectivelyJapanese Beginners 3-6: Completion of Beginners 2-5 respectivelyCEFR OutcomeUpon completion of Beginners 3 (Beginners 6 for Japanese) you will achieve the Common European Framework level CEFR A1. Elementary Step 1-6(6 terms, 90 contact hours - CEFR A2)This level is your essential kit for travelling abroad or helping a visitor.At the end of A2 level, you’ll be able to:talk about a past holiday and make recommendations on what to see and dotalk about your future plans, compare options and choose.Pre-requisitesElementary 1: Completion of CEFR A1 or Beginners 3 (Beginners 6 for Japanese)Elementary 2-6: Completion of Elementary 1-5 respectivelyCEFR OutcomeUpon completion of Elementary 6 you will achieve the Common European Framework level CEFR A2 Intermediate Step 1-6(6 terms, 90 contact hours - CEFR B1)This is the level you need to live abroad and get by in most situations. At the end of B1 level, you’ll be able to:describe experiences and events, dreams, hopes and ambitionsnarrate a story or relate the plot of a book or film.Pre-requisitesIntermediate 1: Completion of CEFR A2 or Elementary 6Intermediate 2-6: Completion of Elementary 1-5 respectivelyCEFR OutcomeUpon completion of Intermediate 6 you will achieve the Common European Framework level CEFR B1 Upper Intermediate Step 1-6(6 terms, 90 contact hours - CEFR B2)This is the level you need to work or study in the language.It is the minimum level required by universities for international first year students.At the end of B2 level, you’ll be able to:understand most current affairs TV programmeshave a degree of fluency that allows you to take an active part in discussions with other speakers of the language.Pre-requisitesUpper Intermediate 1: Completion of CEFR B1 or Intermediate 6Upper Intermediate 2-6: Completion of Upper Intermediate 1-5 respectivelyCEFR OutcomeUpon completion of Upper Intermediate 6 you will achieve the Common European Framework level CEFR B2 Advanced(CEFR C1/C2)At level C1, you’ll be able to:express yourself fluently and spontaneously, almost effortlesslyIt will only be conceptually difficult subjects that hinder you.At level C2 you’ll be able to:express yourself spontaneously at length, avoiding or navigating any difficulty smoothlyThe courses on this level are open-ended and students can join in any term.Pre-requisitesAdvanced: Completion of CEFR B2 or Upper Intermediate 6'Actuel' courses in French, German, Italian and Spanish:Completion of CEFR C1 or at least two years of AdvancedCEFR OutcomeUpon completion of two years of Advanced courses, you will achieve the Common European Framework level CEFR C1. CEFR InformationMore information about the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR) can be found on the Council of Europe Website here.Still not sure?For enquiries about which level would be most appropriate for you, please contact one of our language teams:Arabic | Sign Language | | | | English | | | | Greek | | | Spanish | | | | all general enquiries, please contact us on 0131 650 4400 or to book?Browse our Languages A-Z This article was published on 2024-10-14