Which level of Portuguese is right for you? Test yourself by using the information and questions below to decide which level of Portuguese is right for you. Portuguese Beginners Step 2 If you feel that you could cope reasonably well with the following topics, you are at a suitable level for Portuguese Beginners 2 Can you: Introduce yourself to someone and give some basic information about yourself / your job / your hobbies Ask someone about his/her job, home town Describe your city Ask for something to eat and drink in a café Would you be able to communicate with a Portuguese speaker who asked you these questions? Como se chama ? Onde vive? O que faz? O que gosta de fazer? De onde é? O que toma? Gosta de cerveja? Portuguese Beginners Step 3 If you feel that you could cope reasonably well with the following topics, and the ones in previous levels, you are at a suitable level for Beginners 3 Can you: Speak about shops and public services Speak about personal qualities Describe people Express likes and dislikes Talk about the weather Ask and tell the time Would you be able to communicate with a Portuguese speaker who asked you these questions? A que horas se levanta? A que horas se deita? Como está o tempo hoje? De que música gosta? Descreva a sua familia Quanto custam estas calças? Portuguese Elementary Step 1 If you feel that you could cope reasonably well with most of the following topics, and the ones in previous levels, you are at a suitable level for Portuguese Elementary 1. Can you: Hold a short conversation about yourself, family, work, hobbies Elicit similar information from someone else Cope fairly comfortably with ordering food and drinks Ask for what you want in a shop Speak about what you have done recently Would you be able to communicate with a Portuguese speaker who asked you these questions? Descreva a sua rotina diária? Prefere o café como ou sem açúcar? O que costuma fazer ao fim de semana? Como é a sua casa? Descreva o seu melhor amigo ou a sua melhor amiga O que fez a semana passada? Portuguese Elementary Step 2 If you feel that you could cope reasonably well with most of the following topics, and the ones in previous levels, you are at a suitable level for Portuguese Elementary 2 Can you: Hold a short conversation about yourself, family, work, hobbies Elicit similar information from someone else Cope fairly comfortably with ordering food and drinks Ask for what you want in a shop Speak about someone biography Speak about recent past actions Would you be able to communicate with a Portuguese speaker who asked you these questions? O que faz aos fins de semana ? Qual é o seu prato preferido? O que gosta de fazer nas férias? Descreva a sua cidade natal? Como é o seu melhor amigo ou a sua melhor amiga? O que fez hoje? O que vai fazer amanhã? Quando começou a estudar português? Portuguese Elementary Step 3 If you feel that you could cope reasonably well with most of the following topics, and the ones in previous levels, you are at a suitable level for Portuguese Elementary 3. Can you: Hold a short conversation about yourself, family, work, hobbies Elicit similar information from someone else Cope fairly comfortably with ordering food and drinks Describe and speak about different types of houses/flats Speak about what you are doing right now Would you be able to communicate with a Portuguese speaker who asked you these questions? Que ruma água fresca ou natural? O que está a fazer agora? O que gosta de fazer no seu tempo livre? Como é a cidade onde vive? O que fez no fim de semana passado? De onde é? Quantas línguas fala? Há quanto tempo fala português? Portuguese Elementary Step 4 If you feel that you could cope reasonably well with most of the following topics, and the ones in previous levels, you are at a suitable level for Portuguese Elementary 4. Can you: Talk about some of the things you did yesterday Elicit similar information from someone else Describe a good holiday you had with friends Ask somebody about their plans for the holidays / the evening Describe how you prepare your favourite dish Would you be able to communicate with a Portuguese speaker who asked you these questions? Qual foi a última vez que foi jantar fora? Com quem foi? O que comeu? Que países europeus já visitou? De qual gostou mais? · Onde fica a sua casa? O que vai fazer nas suas próximas férias? O que acha da comida Portuguesa? Quais foram as suas férias preferidas? Porquê? Portuguese Elementary Step 5 If you feel that you could cope reasonably well with most of the following topics, and the ones in previous levels, you are at a suitable level for Portuguese Elementary 5 Can you: Talk about some of the things you did yesterday Elicit similar information from someone else Describe a good holiday you had with friends Ask somebody about their plans for the holidays / the evening Describe how you prepare your favourite dish Would you be able to communicate with a Portuguese speaker who asked you these questions? Há quanto tempo não vai jantar fora? Em que país gostaria de viver? Porquê? O que comeu ontem ao jantar? Onde gostaria de passar as sua próximas férias? O que vai fazer hoje à noite? Qual é o seu prato favorito? Portuguese Elementary Step 6 If you feel that you could cope reasonably well with most of the following topics, and the ones in previous levels, you are at a suitable level for Portuguese Elementary 6. Can you: Talk about some of the things you did yesterday Elicit similar information from someone else Describe a good holiday you had with friends Ask somebody about their plans for the holidays / the evening Describe what you were doing on Saturday at 9pm Speak about how things were in your childhood Would you be able to communicate with a Portuguese speaker who asked you these questions? Qual foi o último filme que viu? Descreva-o. Onde conheceu o seu melhor amigo ou a sua melhor amiga? Qual foi a primeira palavra portuguesa que aprendeu? Como foi o seu primeiro contacto com a língua portuguesa? Como é a sua casa? Porque decidiu estudar Português? This article was published on 2024-10-14