Which level of BSL is right for you? Test yourself by using the information and questions below to decide which level of Bristish Sign Language is right for you. Beginners Step 2 If you cannot understand the following questions and are not able to answer with the information requested, Beginners Step 1 is the right course for you. If you feel that you can sign reasonably well about most of the following topics, you are at a suitable level to enrol for BSL Beginners Step 2.Can you:Sign hello and goodbye - greetingsIntroduce yourself & fingerspell your nameSign about countries and nationalitiesSign about people and their jobsSign about your hobbiesAsk and answer simple questionsSign and understand the numbers 0-100Sign about groups of people, friends and familyHave short conversations Would you be able to communicate with someone using BSL who asked you these questions?YOU NAME WHAT? YOU LIVE WHERE / YOU FROM WHERE?YOU HOW OLD?YOU WORK WHAT?YOU BROTHER SISTER NAME WHAT? THEY HOW OLD?YOU HOBBY WHAT?WEEKEND YOU DO WHAT?YOU HAVE PET? Beginners Step 3 If you feel that you can sign reasonably well about most of the following topics, you are at a suitable level to enrol for BSL Beginners Step 3.Can you:Shop for clothes and have shopping conversationsSign about likes, dislikes and opinionsAsk and answer questions about your/someone’s daily routineGoing on a weekend trip in the UKDescribe people (friends, family) & animalsSign about your healthDescribe your homeGiving directionsWould you be able to communicate with someone using BSL who asked you these questions?DRESS HOW-MUCH? SIZE WHAT? CAFÉ WHERE? TOILETS WHERE?FAVOURITE SHOP WHAT?YOU FAVOURITE FOOD / DRINK WHAT?YOU PLAY FOOTBALL HOW-OFTEN?YOUR SISTER LOOK LIKE WHAT?YOU LIKE TEA COFFEE WHICH?YOUR HOUSE HAVE BEDROOM HOW MANY?YOU BAD COUGH, YOU BEEN SEE DOCTOR? Elementary Step 1 If you feel that you can sign reasonably well about most of the following topics, you are at a suitable level to enrol for BSL Elementary Step 1.Can you:Sign about food, order in a caféDescribe wild animals Ask and talk about everyday activitiesHave conversations about health problemsSign about a holiday in Europe Describe objectsSign about shopping and types of shops Would you be able to communicate with someone using BSL who asked you these questions?YOU LIKE SHOP WHICH?YOU GO HOLIDAY WHERE? WHEN? DO WHAT?WRONG WHAT? YOU NEED GO HOSPITAL? YOU LIKE FAMOUS PERSON WHO? YOU LIKE THEM WHY?BAG WHERE? YOU FAVOURITE THING WHAT? IT LOOK LIKE WHAT?YOU LIKE DRINK WHAT? YOU WANT DESSERT? YOU HAVE RED WINE?WITH FAMILY YOU LIKE DO WHAT? Elementary Step 2 If you feel that you can sign reasonably well about most of the following topics, you are at a suitable level to enrol for BSL Elementary Step 2.Can you:Introduce and talk about yourself and other people in your lifeSign about your home area and neighboursSign about different events / occasions Have a conversation about travelling / transportWould you be able to communicate with someone using BSL who asked you these questions?YOU LIVE WHERE? YOU NEIGHBOURS NICE? YOU LIKE THEM? WHY?YOU TRAVEL HOW? YOU LIKE TRANSPORT WHICH? WHY?YOU BIRTHDAY WHEN? YOU HAVE PARTY? DO WHAT?YOU FAVOURITE ANIMAL WHAT? WHY?YOU HAVE GOOD FRIEND? YOU MET WHEN? WHERE? Elementary Step 3 If you feel that you can sign reasonably well about most of the following topics, you are at a suitable level to enrol for BSL Elementary Step 3.Can you:Order a meal in a restaurantHelp someone understand a menuTalk about a special eventDescribe landscapesGoing on a holiday in other countries other than EuropeSign about social media and communication technologySign about your work and studying Would you be able to communicate with someone using BSL who asked you these questions?YOU LIKE DRINK WHAT? YOU PAY HOW? YOU LIKE FOOD? ANYTHING ELSE?YOU FAVOURITE PLACE WHERE? DESCRIBE IT? YOU GO HOLIDAY? ACCOMMODATION YOU PREFER WHICH? YOU GO WHERE? WEATHER LIKE WHAT? YOU GO WITH WHO?YOU HAVE SOCIAL MEDIA? WHICH? YOU USE HOW OFTEN?YOU GOOD WITH TECHNOLOGY? YOU LIKE MODERN OR OLD WHICH? Elementary Step 4 If you feel that you can sign reasonably well about most of the following topics, you are at a suitable level to enrol for BSL Elementary Step 4.Can you:Sign about families and activities Sign about favourite thingsSign about work and responsibilities Have a debate about current events / topicsSign about the weather and seasonsDiscuss about accessibility for deaf peopleWould you be able to communicate with someone using BSL who asked you these questions?YOU DO WHAT WITH FAMILY? FAVOURITE ACTIVITY YOU DO WITH FAMILY WHAT? WHY?YOU WORK WHERE/WHAT? YOU DUTIES WHAT? YOU LINE MANAGER GOOD?LAST WEEK YOU BUY WHAT? HOW-MUCH? I WANT BUY TWO JUMPER DON’T LIKE JUMPER, WANT CHANGE COLOUR PLEASEYOU FAVOURITE SEASON WHICH? WHY? TODAY WEATHER LIKE WHAT? I WANT BUY TICKET (for) MOVIE, HAVE SUBTITLIES? Elementary Step 5 If you feel that you can sign reasonably well about most of the following topics, you are at a suitable level to enrol for BSL Elementary Step 5.Can you:Describe shapes & objectsDescribe rooms with objectsDiscuss about cultures and behaviour around the worldMaking plansDiscuss about countries and nationalities Understanding timelines in BSLHaving an interview about workWould you be able to communicate with someone using BSL who asked you these questions?ROOM YOU FEEL RELAXED WHICH? WHY? YOU FROM WHERE? YOUR COUNTRY CUTLURE WHAT? TYPICAL BEHAVHIOUR WHAT?NEXT WEEK YOU WANT MEET COFFEE? YOU WANT GO HOLILDAY TOGETHER?YOU WANT WORK HERE WHY? 5 YEARS TIME YOU IMGAINE YOU DO WHAT?PEOPLE DO WHAT (in) THAT PICTURE? DESCRIBE THEM Elementary Step 6 If you feel that you can sign reasonably well about most of the following topics, you are at a suitable level to enrol for BSL Elementary Step 6.Can you:Describe a famous landmark around the worldDiscuss family traditions and other countries’ traditions & cultures Discuss the environment, disaster and how it impacts peopleSign about celebrations Would you be able to communicate with someone using BSL who asked you these questions?YOU FAMILY TRADITION WHAT? FOOD WHAT? YOU CELEBRATE YOUR WEDDING HOW? WHERE? YOU MET HOW?ENVIRONMENT YOU THINK WHAT? EARTHQUAKE - YOU DO WHAT? IT IMPACT PEOPLE HOW?YOU BEEN VISIT STATUE LIBERTY? FEEL LIKE WHAT? FERRY HOW-LONG? This article was published on 2024-10-14