Which level of Arabic is right for you? Test yourself by using the information and questions below to decide which level of Arabic is right for you. Arabic Beginners Step 2 If you feel that you can talk reasonably well about most of the following topics, you are at a suitable level to enrol for Arabic Beginners 2. Can you Greet people and say farewell Introduce oneself and others (name, origin, place of living, address, countries and languages) Ask others questions about themselves Read and write the first letters of the Arabic alphabet Talk and ask about where you live and who you live with Talk and ask about professions Would you be able to communicate with an Arabic native speaker who asked you these questions? *صباح الخير/ مساء الخير / السلام عليكم * كيف حالك؟ * ما اسمك؟ ما اسمه؟ ما اسمها؟ * من أين أنتَ؟ من أين أنتِ؟ من أين هو؟ من أين هي؟ * هل انت بريطاني؟ هل انت بريطانية؟ * ما هذا؟ * هل هذا .... ؟ هل هذه ..... ؟ * ما عملك ؟ أين عملك؟ Arabic Beginners Step 3 If you feel that you could cope reasonably well with most of the following topics, you are at a suitable level to enrol for ARABIC Beginners 3. Can you Talk about the family, family members Describe objects Read and write more letters of the Arabic alphabet Talk about where objects are situated Would you be able to communicate with an Arabic native speaker who asked you these questions? * ما عملكَ؟ ما عملكِ؟ ما عمله؟ ما عملها؟ * من هذا؟ من هذه؟ من هو اخوكَ؟ من هو أخوكِ؟ * ما هذا؟ * كتاب من هذا؟ سيارة من هذه؟ * هل هذا كتابك؟ هل هذه حقيبتك؟ * أين الكتاب؟ Arabic Elementary Step 1 If you feel that you could cope reasonably well with the following topics, you are at a suitable level to enrol for ARABIC Elementary 1. Can you Describe places (room, town and city) Identify and use Sun letters and Moon letters Talk about countries and capitals, geographical positions Talk and ask about nationalities Would you be able to communicate with an Arabic native speaker who asked you these questions? * ماذا هناك في غرفتكَ؟ غرفتكِ؟ * أين المدرسة / المستشفى / المصنع / البنك / .... ؟ * ما هي عاصمة بريطانيا؟ * أين هي ألمانيا؟ * هل انتَ فرنسي؟ هل انتِ أمريكية؟ Arabic Elementary Step 2 If you feel that you could cope reasonably well with the following topics, you are at a suitable level to enrol for ARABIC Elementary 2. Can you Ask for and give someone’s telephone number Identify and understand English words in Arabic Count objects Ask about the number of objects and people Go shopping: ask for the price Talk about objects and materials (what is it made of?) Describe what you have / possess / belongs to you (objects and human relations) Would you be able to communicate with an Arabic native speaker who asked you these questions? * كم كتاب / قلم / ممرضة / كلب / حقيبة / كم سيارة / شجرة في الصورة؟ * بكم الخاتم / البطاطس / القميص / الكرسي / الدراجة / ..... ؟ * هل عندكَ / عندكِ بيت / سيارة / كلب / دراجة / ...... ؟ * هل لكَ / لكِ أخ / أخت / أبن / أبنة / زوج / زوجة / صديق / صديقة / ..... ؟ Arabic Elementary Step 3 If you feel that you could cope reasonably well with the following topics, you are at a suitable level to enrol for ARABIC Elementary 3. Can you Understand and use the Arabic root system Go shopping Name Colours Would you be able to communicate with an Arabic native speaker who asked you these questions? * ما لون سيارتكَ / سيارتكِ / هذا القلم / البيت / القميص/ الكرسي / هذه الدراجة / الطاولة / .... ؟ Arabic Elementary Step 4 If you feel that you could cope reasonably well with most of the following topics, you are at a suitable level to enrol for ARABIC Elementary 4. Can you Talk about the past and the negative Use a dictionary Recognise and use the numbers 11 – 100 Count objects Talk about the weather Write notes and postcards Talk about a past vacation Would you be able to communicate with an Arabic native speaker who asked you these questions? * ماذا فعلتَ / فعلتِ أمس؟ * ماذا فعل أبوكَ / أبوكِ / أخوك / صديقك / ..... أمس؟ * ماذا فعلت أمك / أختك ؟ صديقتك / ..... أمس؟ * ماذا أكلت / شربت / قرأت / كتبت / ..... أمس؟ * أين ذهبت أمس ؟ * أين شربت القهوة أمس؟ * كيف حال الطقس اليوم ؟ * ما هي درجة الحرارة؟ Arabic Elementary Step 5 If you feel that you could cope reasonably well with most of the following topics, you are at a suitable level to enrol for ARABIC Elementary 5. Can you Identify Arabic words in English More talking about the Past Talk about politics and the government Ask about and give the time Talk about activities in the present and the negative Talk about daily activities throughout the week / on particular days of the week Talk about means of transport Talk about education (school and university) Would you be able to communicate with an Arabic native speaker who asked you these questions? * ماذا فعل رئيس الوزاراء أمس؟ * كم الساعة؟ * متى تستيقظ / تذهب الى العمل / تأكل الإفطار - الغداء - ألعشاء / تشرب القهوة / ترجع من العمل / تنام / ..... ؟ * ماذا تفعل في الصباح / بعد الظهر / في المساء / كل يوم / ..... ؟ * كيف تذهب الى العمل ؟ * أين تسكن / تأكل الغداء / تشرب القهوة / ..... ؟ * هل تأكل الغداء في العمل / تشرب القهوة في البيت / ...... ؟ * ماذا تدرس في المدرسة / في الجامعة / ...../ يوم الثلاثاء / ..... ؟ Arabic Elementary Step 6 If you feel that you could cope reasonably well with most of the following topics, you are at a suitable level to enrol for ARABIC Elementary 6. Can you Go shopping at the grocer’s Order and pay at a restaurant Talk about your favourite food / dish Would you be able to communicate with an Arabic native speaker who asked you these questions? * اجراء محادثة عند البقال عن كيفية طلب شراء اشياء والسؤال عن السعر ودفع الفاتورة * اجراء محادثة في المطعم عن كيفية طلب طعام ومشروب. * اجراء محادثة في المطعم عن اداء بعض المهام في المطبخ This article was published on 2024-10-14