Connected Communities Event

Our Connected Communities event was a success!

To celebrate International Refugee Week, the Centre for Open Learning at the University of Edinburgh hosted an event in the quad of the Holyrood Campus in June 2024.

The gathering included international artists, photographers, performers, dancers, actors, and musicians who shared their culture and art form with us to celebrate Scotland being our common home. 

The event was a big success. It was lovely to see the courtyard full of music, dance, food and family fun with so much diversity and culture on display.

A huge thank you to all who attended and helped to bring this event to life! 


Connected Communities June 2024 event..

Thank you to all our contributors!

Marc Di Tommasi, COL Community Engagement Officer and the wider events team, would like to thank all our suppliers for their help and support:

Connected Communities June 24

The Musicians:


 The Student Societies: 


The Face Painter:


The Artist:

The food on the day: