Support if you are experiencing difficulties or distress. We take the wellbeing and mental health of our students seriously. Help is available if you’re having a crisis, are in distress, or simply need someone to talk to. Credit Students If you are studying for credit, and therefore a fully matriculated student, you can access the University’s dedicated counselling and advice services: Your Personal Tutor (usually your first port of call for advice) The University's Student Counselling Service (free service, by appointment only) The Advice Place (based near George Square, with drop in service for confidential and impartial advice on all matters) University Chaplaincy (all welcome, regardless of faith) University Health Service (GP and specialist clinics) Non-Credit Students If you are not studying for credit, and therefore not a matriculated student, we encourage you to use these external services: Breathing Space Edinburgh Crisis Centre Edinburgh Nightline NHS Moodjuice ED Space Counselling Directory The Samaritans This article was published on 2024-10-14