Why choose homestay?

Benefits of choosing homestay accommodation.

COL’s homestay service has been in operation since 1979, and many of our hosts have years of experience welcoming students into their home. It is a unique accommodation option specifically tailored to international students, and offers many benefits.

An immersive experience

Homestay distinguishes itself from typical accommodation routes such as hotels and single room residences, as it offers a more personal and immersive environment. Living with a local family enables students to regularly interact with people, have conversations and share meals together. As such, homestay is not just a room for rent, it can become a ‘home away from home’ that provides students with an engaging and rewarding experience.

English language practice

Improving English language skills does not have to be confined to the classroom. Homestay enables students to enhance their learning journey by practicing English in an informal, real world setting with their host family. They will get to experience different dialects and accents, and better understand some of the nuances of the language.

Cultural learning

Students will get to experience Scottish and wider-UK culture throughout their homestay placement. From experiencing the day to day dynamics of a family unit, to exploring Edinburgh and its fascinating history, there will be many opportunities to become immersed in Scottish life. Students can try local cuisine, learn about different traditions and cultural events, and receive tips and advice from their host on things to see and do during their stay.

Meal provision

We offer flexible homestay packages covering self-catered and catered options. If students wish to have meals included as part of their homestay experience, they can choose to have breakfast and dinner on a 5 day basis (Monday to Friday) or on a full week basis (Monday to Sunday). Hosts will prepare and provide a variety of balanced, healthy meals and they are happy to accommodate special diets should this be required (vegetarian, gluten free, etc).   

Safety and support

Another benefit of homestay is the safe and supportive environment it offers. Being adults, all homestay students will enjoy their independence and autonomy, but our hosts are always available to offer advice and guidance when needed. They will help students to settle in when they first arrive, monitor their wellbeing throughout the placement, and will help to resolve any concerns or issues that may arise.

In addition, the COL homestay team are always contactable should help or support be required.

Our hosts

COL hosts are carefully selected to ensure a high level of service and commitment to the student experience. Our hosts must complete a rigorous recruitment process before we partner with them, including:

  • A detailed written application
  • Reference checks
  • Thorough home inspection by COL staff
  • Disclosure Scotland checks

We also have strict safety criteria that hosts must adhere to:

  • Electrical safety checks
  • Gas safety checks
  • Safety equipment installation, including interlinked fire alarms, fire blanket, fire extinguisher and carbon monoxide detectors, as appropriate
  • Liability insurance policy

We regularly review safety certifications and periodically schedule home inspections, to ensure everything is kept up to date and standards of quality are maintained.

All our hosts are Edinburgh residents, and reflect the dynamic and multicultural nature of the city.