Host FAQs

Frequently asked questions for hosts.

I’m interested in becoming a host, but I don’t live in Edinburgh / I live on the outskirts of Edinburgh?

Unfortunately, for logistical reasons, we only recruit hosts who live in Edinburgh and are located no more than 5 miles from the city centre.

I’m interested in becoming a host, do I need to have prior experience of hosting?

Whilst having prior experience of hosting would be advantageous, it is not a requirement to become a host with COL. If you meet our criteria, you are welcome to submit an application with us.

I’m applying to become a host but don’t have any of the certifications you need, when should I get these?

If you are applying to become a host, but don’t currently have Disclosure Scotland checks; an Electrical Installation Condition Report (EICR); a Gas Safety Certificate (CP12) or an appropriate liability insurance policy, don’t worry, we don’t need to see these right away. We will request these certifications once we have accepted your application, received your references and conducted the home visit. We will be in touch with you to prompt you for these at the appropriate time.

I’m unsure about the type of insurance I need to get?

You should obtain a suitable insurance policy that covers you for liability in the event that a student suffers an accident or injury during their stay. The policy should also cover accidental damage within the property. Some insurance providers offer tailored cover for hosting and homestay arrangements. Whilst we cannot provide specific guidance or insurance recommendations, we encourage you to research available options online, and if you are in any doubt as to whether a policy will be suitable, you should speak to the insurance provider to discuss your needs.

How do I organise an Electrical Installation Condition Report (EICR)?

An Electrical Installation Condition Report (EICR) involves testing electrical installations within the property to ensure they are safe and do not pose any fire or electric shock risks. This check must be carried out by a qualified and competent electrician, and we require this to be renewed every 5 years. We encourage you to research appropriate services online to book the check.

How do I organise a Gas Safety Certificate (CP12)?

A Gas Safety Certificate (CP12) is required for all hosts who have gas within the property. This check involves inspection of all gas appliances to ensure they are safe and do not pose any danger or risk, and it must be carried out by a certified GAS Safe engineer. We require this to be renewed annually. We encourage you to research appropriate services online to book the inspection.

How do I organise Disclosure Scotland checks / what type of disclosure do I need?

Disclosure Scotland checks can be applied for online. This is required for all permanent members of the household aged 18 years or over. The type you should apply for is the basic disclosure, and we will ask for this to be renewed every 3 years. Costs may vary, but applications are approximately £25 per person. More details can be found here.

What type of fire blanket and fire extinguisher do I need?

A standard fire blanket will be sufficient. When it comes to fire extinguishers, there are many categories available which are designed to tackle specific types of fire. As the kitchen is one of the most at risk areas for fires occurring, you may wish to consider getting a Class F wet chemical extinguisher which is very effective at putting out oil and grease fires. Otherwise, a standard water mist extinguisher will be adequate. The fire extinguisher should have a minimum 1KG capacity.

How long will the application process take to become a host?

This can vary as it depends on your availability, staff availability, and the need for certifications and any adjustments within the home. Typically, it can take between 1-3 months to complete the application and checking process.

What does a home visit involve?

Home visits involved 2 members of COL staff visiting your property at a mutually agreed date and time. The main host is required to be there for the visit. Staff will conduct a basic inspection of the property to ensure its suitability for hosting our students, they will record notes and observations about the home, take photographs of the property, and there will be the opportunity to ask questions and clarify things. Visits are a mandatory part of the host recruitment process, and for existing hosts, they are conducted every 12-24 months. The visit should take approximately 1 hour.

Are hosts employees of the University of Edinburgh / is there a contract?

Hosts are not classed as direct employees of the University. There is no formal contract between the University and hosts, but rather, COL and hosts enter into a mutual agreement related to the provision of homestay placements. This agreement needs to be renewed on an annual basis.

I’m an existing host – do I need to renew my agreement each year, and if so, what do I need to do?

Yes, we require existing hosts to renew their agreement with us on an annual basis. We will contact you towards the end of the year to initiate the renewal. We will also prompt you to check that the details we hold for you are still correct, and to request updated certifications as applicable.

How does the placement process work – do I have to advertise my services, process bookings, manage payments, etc?

COL is responsible for all placement administration. We will promote the service to appropriate parties, organise bookings, match students with hosts and manage payment.

Are all homestay students adults?

Yes, all students must be aged 18 years or over to participate in homestay.

What type of students can I expect / where are they from?

Our homestay service is predominately aimed at international students, who tend to be in their early to mid-20s. We receive international students from all over the world. Typically, the students will be part of a bespoke group who are coming to Edinburgh to study a short-term course.

How long do homestay placements usually last?

Homestay placements typically last between 1-8 weeks. However, from time to time we receive shorter and longer duration placement requests.

Do the students speak English?

Yes, all students placed in homestay are able to communicate in English. Their ability level may vary, as some of our students come to Edinburgh to undertake English language study, but as a minimum, they will be able to communicate at an intermediate level. One of the benefits of homestay is the ability for students to practice and improve their English skills in a home setting.

Are the students independent, or do I have to supervise them at all times?

Homestay students are adults, and as such, they do not need to be supervised at all times. They are free to pursue their own social plans during their homestay. However, homestay is designed to be a social and engaging experience, where students have the support and comfort of staying with a local family. Regular interaction with students and monitoring their wellbeing is one of the responsibilities of the host, and you should retain contact with them throughout the placement and be aware of their whereabouts and plans.

What information will I receive about students placed with me?

Once we have confirmed a student placement with you, we will provide you with their custom profile. This will contain their personal details and contact information, information about their booking and arrival plans, some general background (interests, hobbies, etc) and a basic overview of the course they will be studying. The profile will also advise if they have any allergies, medical disclaimers or dietary requirements.

How many student placements can I expect to receive?

We cannot guarantee a set number of placements in any given year, as it depends on homestay demand and your availability. We receive homestay requests throughout the year, with peak demand typically taking place in the spring and autumn months. We will endeavour to provide all hosts with an even spread of placement offers. Please note, we will only place a maximum of 2 students with you at any one time, if you have capacity.

How will I get paid?

All hosts will receive payment by bank transfer. We will confirm your bank details following your appointment as a host. Payment will occur during the first week of a placement, and the money should clear into your bank account within 14 days of the placement start date. For placements lasting 4 weeks or less, we will provide one payment covering the entirety of the stay. For placements that last longer than 4 weeks, we will make multiple monthly payments.

What are the tax implications?

Since hosts are not direct employees of the University, you are responsible for declaring and managing any tax deductions or contributions that you may have to pay. COL is unable to provide tax advice to hosts. If you have queries or concerns regarding tax implications of homestay income, we encourage you to seek guidance from HMRC.

Why are the host payment rates different from the rates that students pay?

A portion of the income generated from student homestay fees is allocated to cover COL’s operating costs. This enables us to administer the homestay service and ensure that it remains financially sustainable into the future.

Is Homestay classed as a short-term let / do I need to register as a landlord / do I need to obtain an HMO licence?

As the student is staying with you for the principal purpose of advancing their education, and the placement is arranged by us as a higher education provider, the placement is not classed as a short-term let. Rather, the student is regarded as a member of the family. As such, you should not need to register as a landlord and you should not require an HMO licence. However, COL is not able to provide you with legal advice, so if you are in any doubt, we encourage you to seek guidance from your local authority.

How will I know when and where to meet the student when they arrive in Edinburgh?

Arrival details will be contained in the student’s profile, which we will send to you following confirmation of a placement. During the week leading up to the placement, you must get in touch with the student by email to discuss and agree meeting arrangements.

I live with my family at the property, what is expected of them?

Many of our students enjoy the experience of living in a family setting. Our homestay agreement is with you as the main host, however, we encourage family members to engage with students whenever it is appropriate to do so. This can include things like chatting with them, eating meals together, inviting them to join family activities and excursions, etc.

I have pets, is that going to cause any issues?

We welcome pets as part of the homestay experience, and many students enjoy interacting with household animals. We check with students for any allergies or concerns, so we will only send you students who are comfortable around pets. Please note, any animals within the home must not be regarded as illegal or dangerous species / breeds, they must be properly trained and cared for responsibly, and have no history of aggressive behaviour towards people.

Why do you require all hosts to offer self-catered and catered packages?

We have a limited pool of hosts, and we are unable to predict the specific homestay package requirements of our clients and students in any given year. As such, to ensure our business needs and the needs of our students are met, we need all hosts to offer the full range of packages. This ensures we can effectively manage homestay demand, and it maintains our ability to provide regular placements to hosts.

Why do you require all hosts to take male and female students?

We have a limited pool of hosts, and we are unable to predict the gender ratios of our clients and students in any given year. As such, to ensure our business needs and the needs of our students are met, we need all our hosts to commit to hosting both males and females. This ensures we can effectively manage homestay demand, and it maintains our ability to provide regular placements to hosts. However, we recognise that hosts may have a gender preference which we have captured for our records. Where possible, we aim to provide hosts with their preference, but we cannot guarantee this.

What if someone in my household smokes or vapes / the student smokes or vapes?

We only require the home interior to be a smoke free environment. If you or a member of the household smokes or vapes, this should only be done outside. Likewise, students are advised that smoking or vaping inside the property is strictly forbidden. If a student smokes or vapes, you should discuss this with them at the start of the placement and mutually agree on a suitable outdoor space that they can use, such as the garden.

I’m unsure about meal provision and might need some guidance / what if my student has a dietary requirement?

With every placement, we will send you information and guidance materials. This will include useful tips and resources for planning healthy, balanced meals and details about common dietary requirements.

What help is available if I encounter an issue during a placement?

With every placement, we will send you an information and support guide. This will include useful advice for handling minor issues should they occur. In general, you should speak with the student directly if you have a concern or issue, and attempt to resolve things informally. However, in the unlikely event of an emergency or situation where you require external support, we will provide you with contact information for the COL homestay team and University security.

What happens if a student cancels a placement?

Student cancellations are rare. However, we will let you know as soon as possible should it occur. We will attempt to provide you with an alternative placement, but if this is not possible, we may compensate you for the inconvenience depending on the circumstances and timescales.

What happens if I need to cancel a placement?

You should avoid cancelling placements that have been agreed, as this will cause inconvenience to the student. However, we recognise that legitimate and exceptional circumstances can happen sometimes, and if cancellation is unavoidable you must let us know as a matter of urgency.

What if my circumstances change in the future and I no longer feel able to host?

You will have the opportunity to withdraw from the homestay agreement during the annual renewal process. However, if an unforeseen event occurs or your circumstances change unexpectedly, you can let us know at any time if you no longer wish to host for us. We ask that hosts honour any existing placements that have been agreed or are currently ongoing, unless it is legitimately untenable to do so. Please let us know as soon as possible if you need to withdraw from the homestay agreement.