Homestay FAQs

Frequently asked questions about homestay.

Do hosts live within Edinburgh / how far will my homestay be from the teaching campus?

All of our hosts live in the Edinburgh area and will be located within a 7 mile radius of the teaching campus at Holyrood. Edinburgh has very good transport links throughout the city, with an excellent bus service. It is also a very accessible city by foot, and if your homestay is located close to the campus, you may choose to walk to and from classes.

Who are your hosts / do they have much hosting experience?

We recruit our hosts directly, and they are local residents within Edinburgh. Some of our hosts have full-time jobs they attend throughout the week, others are retired or work part-time. We have a range of hosts who live with family members (partners and / or children), whilst some live alone. Many of them have been hosting students with us for years, and they enjoy welcoming international students into their home and learning about different cultures.  

What safety checks do you undertake when choosing hosts?

Our hosts go through a robust recruitment process which involves a detailed written application, reference checks and a thorough home inspection by COL staff. They also conduct Disclosure Scotland checks, for added peace of mind. In addition, all of our hosts undertake electrical and gas safety checks, have various fire safety equipment and carbon monoxide detectors installed as appropriate, and hold a liability insurance policy.

Are hosts employees of the University of Edinburgh?

Hosts are not direct employees of the University. They form a partnership with COL and enter into a mutual agreement with us to facilitate student placements within their home. We recruit them directly and maintain close relationships and communication with them.

How does the placement process work, do I have to contact my host?

When we collect your booking information and payment, we will match you with an appropriate host and confirm the details with you. The confirmation will provide information about your host, and next step instructions. Your host will contact you during the week leading up to the placement. They will introduce themselves, confirm arrival arrangements with you, and answer any questions you might have. You should wait for your host to get in touch.

Do I have to pay my host any money?

You do not need to make any payment to your host. All homestay costs, regardless of whether you are on a self-catered or catered package, are included in the fee you pay to COL. We will arrange all host payments for their services.

What information will I receive about my homestay and my host?

Once we have confirmed your placement, we will provide you with booking details and a custom host profile document. The profile will contain their personal details and contact information; an overview of their background, interests, hobbies, family and pets; information about the home and nearby amenities; and an overview of transport links into the city centre. We will also provide photos of your host and their home.

Does my host have pets / what if I have pet allergies?

Some of our hosts have household pets, most commonly cats and dogs. We make sure all pets are friendly and happy to be around new people, and they can be a welcome addition to a student’s homestay experience. However, please do not worry if you have pet allergies, as we have many hosts who do not have animals within the home. We check for pet allergies when we collect each student’s booking information, and we will make sure that students are matched with an appropriate host based on their needs.

Will there be other students or tenants staying at the property while I’m there?

Beyond permanent members of the host’s household, there will not be other tenants staying at property during your placement, only COL homestay students. Whilst the majority of hosts have capacity for 1 student, some have 2 bedrooms available, and as such, we may place 2 students from the same group with these hosts.

I’m on a self-catered package, how do I organise my food?

If you are staying with your host on a self-catered basis, they will not provide you with meals or food. You will be responsible for buying your own food supplies and cooking your meals, and you should ask your host about nearby amenities such as supermarkets and shops. Your host will provide you with some fridge and cupboard storage space for your supplies, and will show where utensils are kept. If necessary, they will also show you how to operate kitchen appliances and how dish washing, waste disposal and recycling works within the home.

It is important that you respect your host’s house rules and routines, and follow instructions given. They will discuss these with you at the start of the placement.

Even though you are making your own meals, your host may still invite you to cook with them and share meals together, as this is a valuable part of the homestay experience and enables you to chat with your host, spend time with them, practice your English language skills and be involved in home life.

I’m on a catered package, what kind of food can I expect?

Your host will aim to provide a varied, balanced and healthy diet through the placement. Breakfast may include options like cereals, breads, cooked or cured meats, eggs, dairy, vegetables and fruit. Dinners should include a mix of meats, carbohydrates and vegetables. Your host should prepare home cooked meals frequently, and there may be the opportunity to try much loved Scottish classics like porridge, haggis, fried fish and chips, and other popular dishes. From time to time, you may get to experience eating out or traditional takeaway foods.

Whilst we encourage you to try dishes and cuisines you may not be familiar with, your host will not force you to eat anything that you do not like. You should discuss your likes and dislikes with your host at the start of the placement, to help them understand your tastes and adjust their meal provision accordingly. Don’t be afraid to give your honest opinion about certain foods, your host would rather know about it than offer you dishes that you do not enjoy.

I’m on a catered package, what if I have special dietary requirements?

Our hosts are happy to accommodate any special dietary requirements you may have (vegetarian, gluten free, etc). We check for dietary requirements when we collect each student’s booking information, and will let the host know about them. You should also discuss any dietary requirements with your host directly, to ensure they fully understand your needs.

Will I have my own bedroom?

Yes, you will have your own private bedroom complete with a single bed or larger; duvet, pillows and sheets; heater; ceiling light; desk, chair and lamp; wardrobe and / or chest of drawers for clothes storage; mirror; small waste basket; and plug socket. All bedrooms have a window for fresh air and daylight, and an additional blanket for warmth should you require it.

What facilities will I have access to?

Aside from your private bedroom, you will have access to all shared spaces including the bathroom, kitchen, living room and dining areas. Your host will give you a tour of the property when you first arrive, and explain any house rules and routines related to facilities use.

How does laundry work?

Your host will manage laundry within the household, and will provide a regular clothes washing service. They will typically process laundry twice per week. Your host will discuss the specific arrangements with you when you arrive.

Will I have access to the internet?

Yes, all homestay residences have Wi-Fi installed which you can use throughout the home. Your host will provide you with the login details and password when you arrive.

What happens when I arrive in Edinburgh / how do I get to my homestay?

Your host will meet you at your arrival point in Edinburgh. In most cases, this means they will collect you from Edinburgh airport. Prior to your arrival, your host will contact you by email to confirm your arrival details. Once they meet you, they will escort you to your homestay.

What happens on day 1 of my course / how do I get to the teaching campus?

Typically, students will arrive in Edinburgh at the weekend with the first day of class taking place on the Monday. Your host will help you with orientation when you arrive, and they will explain transport links from their home into the city centre and teaching campus. Most students will travel to campus by bus, and your host will explain how to do this.

Is there any important information or advice I need to know about Edinburgh and Scotland?

Edinburgh is a very multicultural and welcoming city, and it is a safe place to visit. We realise that travelling to a new location and culture can bring lots of unknowns, and to help with this, we have prepared valuable tips, information and guidance for students who may be unfamiliar with Scotland and the wider-UK. When we confirm placements with students, we provide them with an information and support guide, and we encourage you to read this in order to learn about various aspects of life in Edinburgh, including transport; currency and payment; shopping; etiquette; key things to be aware of etc.

I’m a bit nervous about my homestay / I’m not sure what to expect

It is normal to feel this way, especially if you have limited travel experience or if this is your first time going abroad and being away from your family and friends. Please be assured, you have nothing to worry about. Our hosts are wonderful and friendly people who are used to welcoming students into their home, and they know how daunting it can be for you. You may feel a little home sick for the first few days, but before long, you will settle into your new home and start forging friendships and bonds with not only your host family, but your classmates and teachers. We look forward to meeting you in Edinburgh, and we are confident you will have a great experience!  

I’m a bit self-conscious about my English language skills

The majority of homestay students are coming to Edinburgh to study a bespoke English language course. English can be a difficult language to master, and you have nothing to feel apprehensive or self-conscious about. COL and your host are here to help you. We understand it can be intimidating to stay with a new family and rely on your English language skills for communication, but please remember that your host is accustomed to welcoming international students into their home, and they will be happy to help you practice English in an informal, safe and non-judgemental environment. This is one of the key benefits of homestay.    

How long do homestay placements usually last?

Homestay placements typically last between 1-8 weeks. However, shorter or longer stays can be arranged subject to host availability.

Will I be supervised all the time during my homestay?

All homestay students must be aged 18 years or older, and as such, are classed as adults. You will have independence and autonomy during your placement, and are free to pursue your own social plans. You will also have your own key to the homestay property, to come and go as you please. However, homestay is designed to be a social and engaging experience, where students have the support and comfort of staying with a local family. Your host will interact with you regularly, chat with you, and check that things are going okay. You are expected to be respectful of your host’s schedule and any house rules, and to keep them informed of your plans.

What if I want to stay out with friends / go on a trip / skip dinner with my host?

You are free to do these things, and explore Edinburgh with your friends and classmates. However, please keep your host informed of your plans, as it is important that they know where you are, who you are with, and when to expect you back. Not only is this respectful to your host, but it gives them peace of mind that you are okay and will avoid them worrying about you. If you are expected for dinner, make sure you inform your host in advance so that they can plan accordingly.

Can I bring friends and / or classmates back to my homestay?

This is usually fine, but you should check with your host in advance and let them know about it. Generally, friends and classmates are not allowed to stay overnight at your homestay, but it is okay for them to visit and spend time with you at the home. Be mindful that your host is not obligated to feed your guests or look after them, and you should respect their wishes and house rules.

Is smoking or vaping allowed at my homestay?

Smoking and vaping is strictly prohibited within the homestay property. Hosts, members of the household and students are free to smoke or vape, but this must only be done in an appropriate outside space.

What help is available if I encounter an issue during my placement?

When we confirm your placement, we will send you an information and support guide. This will include useful advice for handling minor issues should they occur. In general, you should speak with your host directly if you have a concern or issue and they will attempt to resolve things informally. However, in the unlikely event of an emergency or situation where you require external support, we will provide you with contact information for the COL homestay team and University security.

Can I change my homestay package?

Changes to homestay packages, such as catered to self-catered of vice versa, are subject to COL approval and availability. You must contact COL directly to request any changes, and we will let you know if it is possible. Packages cannot normally be changed once a placement has started, or if it is due to commence imminently (within 48 hours of arrival).

What happens if I need to cancel my homestay placement?

Cancellations are rare, but if unexpected circumstances require you to cancel a placement, you must let us know as a matter of urgency. Depending on the circumstances and timescales, we may arrange an alternative placement for you, provide a full or partial refund, or cancel the placement without a refund.

Why are the host payment rates different from the fee that I paid?

A portion of the income generated from homestay fees is allocated to cover COL’s operating costs. This enables us to administer the homestay service and ensure that it remains financially sustainable into the future.