Support for hosts

COL provides a variety of resources and support mechanisms to assist hosts throughout student placements.

Dedicated homestay team

The COL homestay team handle all aspects of student placements and payments, and are the first port of call for queries and support. Full contact details, including out of hours instructions, will be provided to hosts.

Booking details and student profile

When we contact hosts to arrange placements, we will confirm booking details and next steps. We will also create and send a custom profile document detailing key information about the student:

  • Their personal details, contact information and photo
  • Their homestay package, booking dates and arrival information
  • Details of any special requirements (dietary, medical, etc)
  • Brief statement describing their background, interests and hobbies, etc
  • Brief overview of their studies

Information and support guide

We will also send hosts an information and support guide to help prepare for placements. This contains many useful tips and resources:

  • Key things to be aware of
  • Advice to help students settle in and become involved in home life
  • Information and resources related to meal provision and dietary requirements
  • Guidance on resolving issues
  • Key contacts if you need support 

Updates, feedback and events

Throughout the year, we will regularly contact hosts by email to provide important homestay news and updates. There will also be the opportunity to provide feedback about the service, to assist with continuous improvement and quality assurance.

From time to time, we may also organise homestay events, enabling hosts to network with each other and discuss best practice, meet COL staff, receive updates and celebrate achievements.