How the service works

An overview of how homestay is administered and the key stages of placement activity.

Application and payment

COL facilitates all aspects of homestay administration, and handles any enquiries related to the service. Once packages have been agreed, we will capture each student’s booking information and collect payment. They will be asked to accept the Student Terms of Service Agreement, which sets out service expectations and responsibilities. There is no need for students to organise payment with our hosts, we will take care of this for them.

Matching and placement

We will use the information collected from students to match them with an appropriate host. Matching is based on individual host availability alongside other factors, such as specific student requirements, etc. A formal confirmation will be emailed to students covering the specifics of the booking. This email will also contain a copy of the host’s custom profile, an information and support guide, and instructions regarding next steps and what to do to prepare for the placement.


During the week leading up to arrival, hosts will contact their student by email to introduce themselves, check and confirm arrival logistics, and respond to any questions that students may have.

Arrival day

On arrival day, hosts will meet their student and safely escort them to the homestay residence. As most students will be travelling to Edinburgh from overseas, hosts will typically meet them at Edinburgh airport.

During the placement

Hosts will help their student to settle in during the first few days of the placement, and assist them with orientation within Edinburgh. As homestay is designed as a more personal and immersive accommodation experience, hosts will regularly interact with students throughout the placement:

  • Chatting with them to help their English language skills
  • Involving them in home life
  • Promoting Scottish and wider-UK culture
  • Providing meals and sharing them together, as appropriate
  • Offering tips, advice, guidance and support, as appropriate

Both students and hosts will have access to support from the COL homestay team, should this be required.


COL is committed to continuous improvement and ensuring a positive student experience. As such, we will reach out to students following completion of all placements to capture feedback. This provides them with the opportunity to rate their homestay experience, highlight what went well, and tell us about anything that could have been better.