Student-Staff Liaison Committee

Information about the Student-Staff Liaison Committees (SSLC).

Student Staff Liaison Committee

Student-Staff Liaison Committees (SSLC) are held in every School at the University and are the main forum for staff and students to discuss matters relating to programmes and the student experience. 

Student Staff Liaison Committee for Short Courses & LfA

Due to the short term nature of these courses, contact with your fellow students and the department we therefore ask you to offer direct feedback to us by completing our General Feedback Form, which is sent directly to the Heads of Subject Areas in the Arts, Humanities, Social Sciences, STEM and Languages for All and any feedback give will be anonymous. The feedback you provide will then be used to form the basis of an online SSLC at the end of the term, which you would be able to attend, details can be found below. 

Programme representatives work in partnership with staff to improve the quality of the student experience. SSLCs may cover the following:

  • Reporting good practice taking place on programmes
  • Identifying areas for improvement and suggesting solutions
  • Reporting issues with assessments (e.g. schedules, deadlines, feedback)
  • Access to and content of Learn pages or course wikis
  • Overall pace and balance of content on programmes
  • Teaching space and study space provision
  • Additional support
  • Communication


Student-Staff Liaison Meetings 2023/24

The following meetings are currently planned: 


Subject area Day/time Minutes
Access Programme Semester 1 meeting:    
International Foundation Programme (IFP)

Term 1: 24 October 2023


Term 2: 13 February 2024


Term 3: 30 April 2024


Short Courses and Languages for All

Term 1: Tuesday 5 December 2023


Term 2:  Thursday 28 March 2024


Term 3:  Thursday 27 June 2024





Student-Staff Liaison Meetings 2022/23

The following meetings are currently planned: 


Subject area Day/time Minutes
Access Programme Semester 1 meeting: 10 October 2022  
International Foundation Programme (IFP)

Term 1: Monday 24 October 2022


Term 2: Thursday 23 February 2023


Term 3: Tuesday 9 May 2023


Short Courses and Languages for All

Term 1: Monday 5 December 2022

Term 2:  Tuesday March 2023

Term 3:  Tuesday 27 June 2023





Subject Area Date/time Minutes
Access Programme Semester 1 meeting: Tuesday 27 October 2020, 2-3pm  
International Foundation Programme (IFP)

Term 1 meeting: Wednesday 11 November 2020, 3:00-3.45pm

Term 2 meeting: Thursday 11 February 2021, 11:30am - 12:45pm



Term 1 meeting: Thursday 10 December 2020, 2-3pm

Term 2 meeting: Monday 29 March 2021, 2-3pm 


Term 1 meeting: Tuesday 15 December 2020, 1-2pm

Term 2 meeting: Tuesday 16 March 2021, 1-2pm

Social Science

Term 1 meeting: Monday 7 December 2020, 2-3pm

Term 2 meeting: Monday 29 March 2021, 3-4pm

View meeting minutes for term 2

Term 1 meeting: Tuesday 15 December 2020, 5.30-6.30pm

Term 2 meeting: Tuesday 23 March 2021, 5-6pm


No meeting arranged for Term 1

Term 2 meeting: Monday 29 March 2021, 2-3pm