Non-Credit Short Courses

This section includes student support information relevant to the Non-Credit Short Courses.

Non-Credit Bearing Short Courses

As a non-matriculated learner, you have limited access to University Support Services. However, the Student Advisers will be able to signpost you to appropriate sources of support in the local area.

You may contact our two part-time Student Advisers for advice on matters that are affecting your study, such as:

  • ongoing physical or mental health conditions.
  • learning support issues – e.g. dyslexia, ADHD, Autism
  • any other support needs
  • any other matters which may affect your studies

If you think you might need support with a learning difference or a disability, please do contact the Student Advisers as early as possible so that they can advise you on the best sources of support.

Our Student Advisers are Moya Kilgallon and Tatiana Chepelina. You can contact them at to arrange an appointment to speak to them. They also offer drop-in office hours for learner queries.