General Feedback

Submit feedback on any aspect of our service at the Centre for Open Learning.

Subject Area General Feedback

If you have enrolled on one of our courses and would like to give us some general feedback about the Centre for Open Learning, from booking a course, to the use of online services and spaces, to the learning and teaching experience.

This space is for general feedback and therefore unsuitable for the submission of a complaint. Any complaints about COL should be made in writing and sent via email to Formal complaints will be dealt with in accordance with the University’s complaints procedure. More details are available from the University’s Academic Services

General Feedback Form

The information you provide through our General Feedback form is anonymous, and will be sent directly to the Heads of Subject Areas in the Arts, Humanities, Social Sciences, STEM and Languages. Any feedback received from this process will then be used to form the basis of the online Student Staff Liaison Committee (SSLC) at the end of the term, which you will be able to attend. Dates of these meetings are available on the Student Staff Liaison Committee (SSLC) section of our website.