Moving On

On this page, you will find information about the University of Edinburgh's Moving On course.


What is Moving On?

Moving On aims to give you the best start at university. You will experience lectures and tutorials, learn about the University’s virtual learning environment (VLE), libraries and services, meet other new students and make new friends. It is organised by the University’s Centre for Open Learning, with help and contributions from many of the services that are here to support you, such as the Edinburgh University Student Union (EUSA), Institute for Academic Development, University Careers Service and Student Counselling Service. 

Who can attend Moving On?

Eligible students from the local area who hold an offer from The University of Edinburgh are invited to attend Moving On. If you are eligible, you will be contacted by the Centre of Open Learning with further details on how to apply to Moving On after you have received your offer. 

You may be eligibile for Moving On if you are:

  • the first generation of your family to consider higher education
  • from a low socio-economic group
  • attending a school with traditionally low progression
  • living in a low-participation neighbourhood
  • a mature student from any of the above groups

Moving On is part of the University of Edinburgh’s Widening Participation strategy which aims to increase the number of students in higher education from under-represented groups. You can find out more about the University of Edinburgh's Widening Participation strategy on the Widening Participation pages.

Widening Participation

When and where is Moving On held?

Moving On runs in early September, during week beginning 4 September. Moving On will be held on-campus.

We really hope you can join us for all three days, but we do understand that you might have commitments that mean you are not able to. We will have online options for some sessions, and presentations will be recorded and made available for anyone who can’t attend.

What will I be doing?

Moving On provides an introduction to undergraduate life and includes:

  • an orientation to the University’s campuses and buildings
  • an opportunity to attend lectures and tutorials
  • guidance on using the University’s virtual learning environment and library
  • an introduction to the range of support services available at the University

Will Moving On prepare me for my particular degree?

Moving On is designed to benefit students taking degrees in a wide range of subjects so there will be limited subject-specific information. However, you will be in a tutorial group with students taking similar degrees to you. The detailed orientation to your particular degree will take place in Welcome Week, following Moving On.

How much will it cost me?

Moving On is free to eligible students beginning a degree course at the University of Edinburgh. 

How do I get more information on Moving On?

We are still finalising details and timetables for the programme, and Centre for Open Learning will contact eligible students with more information closer to the start date.


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