Student Life & Support

As an Access student, you will have access to all of the same social, cultural, sporting and support opportunities as the University’s undergraduate students.

student support

Support Services

As an Access Programme student, you will receive extensive individual and group support throughout the course to help you feel settled quickly at the University. 

You will have a named academic member of staff who will offer you guidance and support with your studies and help you with any academic issues that you have. You will also have access to a named Student Adviser who can help you with wellbeing, health and other non-academic matters.

Your Student Adviser will also be able to signpost you to other support services in the University should you require specific assistance.

Learn more about COL student support 


Support Available via the University Support Services

  • Careers Service
  • Childcare Services
  • Computing Services
  • Disability and Learning Support Services
  • Access to our Libraries, IT resources & study spaces
  • Chaplaincy

Support Available via the University Support Services

Students with Additional Support Needs

We welcome enquiries and applications from all students, including students with additional support needs such as disabilities, learning differences or health conditions which may affect their studies.

We welcome personal support assistants or aides to our classes. They will not pay a course fee and will not be considered a student.

Please inform us of any additional support needs on your application form at the time of enrolment. If you have any questions about additional support, please email us at or give us a call on 0131 650 4400.

University of Edinburgh Students' Association and Societies

As a student at the University of Edinburgh, you will automatically become a member of the University of Edinburgh Students' Association. They offer host over 260 societies and sports clubs you can join to meet other like-minded students or add additional skills to your CV. They also offer support, advice, social activities, clubs, societies and much more during your time at the University.

Watch their video to find out more:


Visit the EUSA website

Edinburgh Sports Union

The Edinburgh University Sports Union have over 60 different sports clubs you can join which cater for all levels of ability.

Edinburgh University Sports Union